With embossing. 30 3/4″ x 22″
(Private Collection)

unknown date. 16″ x 21″

1980-81. 13″ x 9″

30.5″ x 22″
(Coll: Univ. of Nebraska at Kearney)

Ancient Morning Star 1982-83
(with gouache) 22″ x 17.5″

30″ x 22″ (Collection, Lincoln NE)

(with gouache) 22″ x 30.5″

(over gesso) 1977-81 20.5″ x 28

(w collage & embossing) 31″ x 23″

1980-81 22″ x 30″

1980 22″ x 30.5″
(Collection: Univ. of Nebr. at Omaha)

1981-82 30.5x” x 22″

14″ x 11.5″ (Private collection)

30″ x 22.5″ (Private Collection)

30″ x 22.5″

16.5″ x 12.5″

16″ x 12″ (Private Collection)

15.5″ x 11″ (Private Collection)

(unknown date) 26″ x 20″

(Coll: Univ. of Nebraska at Kearney)

(with embossing) 28.5″ x 22″

12″ x 9 .5″ (Private Collection)

22″ X 30.5″
(Corporate Collection, Lincoln NE)

(with collage) 9.5″ x 7.5″

(with collage) 9.5″ x 7.5″

22″ x 30″ (Coll: Concordia Univ Nebr.)

38″ x 22.5″

(with embossing) 17.5″ x 17.5″

22.5″ x 30″
(Coll: Nebr. Wesleyan U., Lincoln NE)

( Fremont Nat’l Bank, Fremont Nebr.)

22″ x 30.5″

(with embossing) 30.5″ x 22″

17″ x 14″ (Private Collection)

(with embossing) 22″ x 30.5″

22″ x 30..5″

30″ x 22.5″

(with collage) 10″ x 8″
(Private Collection)

18″ x 13.5″ (Private Collection)

22″ x 30.5″ (Private Collection)

(with gouache) 22″ x 30.5″ +
(Private Collection)
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